Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Game Info

S.T.A.L.K.E.R: The Road to Pripyat
A group of Stalkers from Russia pose for a photo.

Free Stalkers (16+ Players)
-The average Stalker, just looking to get by in the Zone, while trying to make a quick buck. Quick to flee a fight, but ready to defend their fellow loners out there in the Zone.
Uniforms - Street Clothes
Find and sell Artifacts
Protect fellow Free Stalkers from Bandits and the like

Bandits (8+ Players)
-Criminals who came to the Zone looking for their fortune, or just trying to avoid jail time. They often rob Stalkers of their treasures and leave them for dead. Because of their tactics, almost all factions hate them, but most don't have the time to deal with them.
Uniforms -  Street Clothes/Black Jackets/Black Hoodies
Steal Money and Articacts from Free Stalkers
Distrupt the work of Duty and Freedom

Military Stalkers (6-8 Players)
-Government soldiers trained to protect the integrity of the Zone from outside elements, notably, Stalkers trying to sneak in. They want to recover the Black Box because it was their helicopter that crashed near the city of Pripyat.
Uniforms - Russian Camo (Requires AEG or Rifle)
Prevent Stalkers from entering the Zone
Destroy the base of Duty and Freedom

Monolith (4-8 Players)
-Composed of people who were originally subjects in a Soviet mind controll experiment gone wrong, now they are composed of people they subject to mind control, and people who join them of their own will, they are essentially hostile to everyone, except the Dark Stalkers who they have an uneasy truce with. They want to see the Zone made secure, and keep everyone else out.
Uniforms - Digital Camo (ACU)
Stop the removal of Artifacts from the Zone
Prevent anyone from entering Pripyat
Capture Free Stalkers/Bandits to turn them into Zombified Stalkers

Zombified Stalkers (N/A)
-Composed of people either captured by Monolith, or who died due to radiation or anomalies. They lack higher intelligence and just seak out prey to blindly shoot at, although that can't operate as a team, or use any sort of tactics, they can quickl overwhelm a lone Stalkers. Players who are either captured by Monolith, or are unable to "buy" their next life (inagme currency) can play as Zombified Stalkers untill they are able to kill a player and take their money.
Kill people to gain enough money to "buy another life"

United Nations Peacekeepers
-Administration will be roleplaying as the United Nations, be warned!

A Military marksman provides overwatch.

(March 3rd)

Carpool Meetup: 7:00am
Registration: 8:30am - 9:30am
Safety Briefing/Scenario Rules: 9:30am - 10:00am
Set-Up/Deployment: 10:00am - 10:30am
Mission One: 10:30am - 1:00pm
Lunch Break: 1:00pm - 1:45pm
Set Up/Deployment: 1:45pm - 2:00pm
Mission Two: 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Cleanup/Raffle Prizes: 5:00pm - 5:30pm
Carpool Leaves for Phoenix: 5:30pm

Carpool Info - 
Carpool will meet at the Best Buy Parking Lot at 7:00am, address (5051 East Ray Road, Phoenix, AZ 85044).
Please contribute to the gas for the trip there and back and give your driver a few dollars
Anyone who wishes may be a driver, no need for signup, just bring your car

Yours truly, charging out of the Military Bunker.


Age Requirements
16+ Alllowed
12-15, only if parent and or guardian are at the field for the duration of the game (they need not play).

Everyone must sign a waiver, available here, minors need to have their parents sign the bottom part.

Eye protection is mandatory, and must fully protect the eyes from all sides, shooting glasses are NOT acceptable!

Minors must wear full face masks, no exceptions!

Guns must be under 375fps
Bolt Action Rifles must be under 500fps

No real firearms/weapons allowed at the field, keep them at home!
Anyone caught under the influence of any substances will be asked to leave! Alcohol and guns don't mix!
There are no bathroom facilities.
There will most likely be lunches available to purchase (we're thinking sandwiches) for $5, and will include a drink.

Uniform Requirements
Free Stalkers - Street Clothes
Bandits - Dark Street Clothes/Black Jackets/Hoodies
Military Stalkers - Russian Style Camo
Monolith - Woodland Camo

Pre-Registration is open and will be $8, walk on/day of the game will cost $15, please state your name and desired team after paying, there are limited slots so sign up soon!

Milsim vs. Roleplay?

"What is the difference between a Milsim and a Roleplay?" I get asked this question a lot. If you ask an airsofter, they will explain the deep connection the sport has to the military, the use of real-world props, simulated medics, realistic guns and in my opinion, the most important, the scenario. If you ask a paintballer he'll explain that it just means only half the players are wearing flaming bright jackets.

The Scenario -

This is the real meat of the issue, the scenario. Now, many things can be set up as the scenario, I've played in everything from fighting my way into Iraq to disable it's SCUD launchers, to having a firefight with the Mexican drug cartels while trying to defend a VIP, to something as absurd (and quite fun) as trying to rescue Jack Sparrow and Indiana Jones from Terrorists (yes, that was a game, all props to Mike Simpson for one of the most memorable games of my life). Or more recently, wandering about the irradiated remains of Pripyat dodging Monolith forces and roving Bandits while trying to sneak a lone artifact back into town. But what separates Milsims from Roleplays? The probability, and goal of the game outside of the specific scenario. A Milsim exists as a training exercise in our minds and bodies, with the goal of simulating a realistic military engagement, sure, the North Koreans might not attack China, but the hypothetical is what we're playing here.

Myself and a Russian soldier discussing a job offer.

So then what is Stalker? Are we playing a Milsim, or a Roleplay? I can proudly announce, that we're playing both! I made Stalker not because it seemed like an easy thing to run, or a profitable thing, but because it's the game I always wanted to play in. Something that mixed combat and diplomacy, sneaking, subterfuge, and backstabbing all into one massive game. It took me a few months, and more then one sleepless night working in Photoshop to get everything made, but the response from the community made it worthwhile. Because of that, I decided to host Stalker 2, or STALKER: The Road to Pripyat.

To create more immersion, I continued off of the prior story line, and each game, while independent, will build on the story and events of the previous ones. Because the Bandits won the last game, although there was a mix up in the orders, which was my fault, they start this game with some better gear, and extra starting money. I can't say for sure who will win this time, but I can guarantee it will be a darn good fight.

One of the Free Stalkers provides security during a meeting.

On a side note, with the classic American war film, Red Dawn, being remade, and coming out this year, I want to hear your guys' opinions on me running a Red Dawn scenario. I worked out a rough outline of the mission goals and rules, if there's enough interest, I'll type them up and post them on here.

Darr, signing out.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Airsoft Arizona

Matt T. Commander of the Russian Forces strikes a pose in the midst of combat.

Hello everyone, and welcome to out blog! I'm going to be taking you through the adventures we look back at our first airsoft game, STALKER: Hunting for a Black Box, that took place on December 3rd in 2011, and our upcoming one, this March 3rd.This time around we're hosting, STALKER: The Road to Pripyat is the sequel to our succesful first game, Stalker: Hunting for a Black Box. It is an upcoming scenario game based off of the popular video game and film, Stalker, and takes place after the Chernobyl Nuclear disaster, with teams fighting for control in the irradiated "Zone".

From Wikipedia, "The background and some terminology of the game ("The Zone", "Stalker") is borrowed from the popular science fiction novella Roadside Picnic by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky and the 1979 Andrei Tarkovsky film Stalker that was loosely based on it, as well as Stalker, the film's subsequent novelization by the original authors. The term "Stalkers" was originally used for the scientists and engineers who explored the interior of Chernobyl's "sarcophagus" after its hasty construction in 1986."

The Story Thus Far -

After a patrol of military helicopters crashed into the marshes outside of Yantar, a team of soldiers was sent in to retrieve it from occupying Monolith forces. While Monolith was able to hold off the military from capturing the black box, they were unsuccessful in decoding the information inside. In turn, the Bandits were able to sneak unnoticed past the Monolith defenses and retrieve the Black Box while they were engaging the Soviet Military Forces. In turn, the Bandits were able to sell the Black Box back to the Military forces, making a considerable profit in doing so.

As time went on, more and more Stalkers began entering the Zone, and the military was unable to stop the flow of new blood. While most of these Stalkers were killed, or worse, captured by Monolith, quite quickly, one of them, it seems, has escaped from the Monolith, and made his way out of Pripyat, into Yantar. He now claims to have found a way to destroy the Monolith defenses around the area of Pripyat, and is willing to guide people there, for a price. This knowledge has become a major factor in the Military's new strategy, as the information the Military has decoded from the Black Box reveals Monolith labs deep inside of Pripyat that have developed terrifying new weapons.

Clayton F. stands watch atop the Military Bunker.

In good news today as well, the Ukranian company GSC announced that production would continue on STALKER 2, as they announced, “The Stalker team is extremely happy! Why? Because we are continuing work on Stalker 2 after the holidays.” - PC Gamer

With this news, we hope to continue hosting our Stalker themed airsoft games for years to come. You can read more about our game on Justin's blog, Wandering Justin where he had this to say about the game,

"Light drizzle, a chilly wind, 45 degrees and overcast … it’s finally winter in the desert. I’m warm thanks to my Army battle dress uniform, gloves and balaclava.

And every run, dodge, dip and duck through the ruins of Sasco, Ariz. also keeps the chill away. The abandoned mining town is filled with foes firing torrents of plastic 6mm projectiles at me from replica assault rifles – I’ve lost count of every M-4, M-16, MP-5 and AK-47 I’ve faced.

This is my first-ever experience in an organized Airsoft game. And it’s a heaping slice of deep-fried gold.

The entire day of fun is the result of some hard work put in by a go-getter named Darr. He displays ambition, serious organizational chops and a real love for this game. Throughout the day, people rave about his scenario, which he based on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl video game. The remains of the smelter and skeleton of the mining operation fill in nicely as a slice of the abandoned, irradiated Russian city called Pripyat. Darr has everything right: the game area, his ability to improvise, the props and layout. Success requires negotiation skills, duplicity and wariness (for the inevitable betrayals)."

One of the bandits assaulting the Russian compound.